On behalf of the entire Saint Catherine of Siena community, I wish to offer a warm welcome to our brothers and sisters from Saint Bernard Church. I know that the implementation of the Archdiocese’s Pastoral Plan, merging and even closing churches, is a difficult thing to accept. I honestly cannot imagine how I might feel if my home parish were merged or closed. So please know that you are all in our prayers…and also know that we welcome you to this Catholic Church and we hope that you will find not just a warm welcome, but a place of worship to call home, and that you will come to believe that this is YOUR parish and not a pew in which to sit.
I would like you to consider becoming a Eucharistic Minister, lector, altar server or usher. If you are interested there will be sign-up sheets in the atrium and vestibule or speak to me directly.....Summertime presents many ministerial problems, not the least of which is the lack of folks at Masses which stems from summer vacations and travel, all understandable. However, the Mass continues every day and each weekend—with or without a full contingent of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, lectors, altar servers and ushers...CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS
I believe it was Abigail Van Buren, aka Dear Abby, who said “Put a smile on your face and eventually you will be happy.” It is all about perspective—and I think that’s why Father Terry Kristofak talks the two options in life when faced by a challenge—“You can choose to be better or to be bitter” much of how we handle life is “up to us.” And part of the response we have to life’s blessings and challenges comes from our gratitude or lack thereof. CLICK TO READ MORE...
Longtime parishioners Colleen and Tom Tighe were nominated by me to receive the 2015 Archdiocesan St. Joseph Medal of Appreciation. St. Joseph is the patron saint of the Archdiocese of Hartford which is why our Cathedral in Hartford bears his name as well as this Award. The annual award given by the Archbishop of Hartford in a ceremony at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph recognizes either one parishioner or a married couple for their outstanding service over a long period of time to their parish...CLICK TO READ MORE...
Today we celebrate the Faithfully Departed - all those who have died and who believed that God loved them and actually desired them. This is the oldest feast celebrated in the Catholic Church to pray for the dead - at Mass and in our private prayers - is considered a Spiritual Work of Mercy that we all are obligated to do. CLICK TO READ ENTIRE ARTICLE...
A few questions have been sent to me by parishioners regarding the proposed renovations to the sanctuary. Here are your answers: CLICK TO READ THE DETAILS....
It is so nice to be getting back into the “swing of things” slowly returning to celebrating Masses and performing baptisms. I have a new outlook on both the “handicapped” and the home-bound. Sitting on the “sidelines” has also given me a fresh outlook on our parish. Before I go any further, I want to first thank the visiting clergy who have been helping me out with the celebration of the Masses. There have been a variety of priests on weekends (Fr. Matera, Fr. Fidelis, Fr. LaPlante, and Fr. Kevin) and for the daily Masses; Fr. David from Holy Family Monastery has been “in residence” here since May 6. I greatly appreciate their willingness to help—coming here is in addition to their al-ready busy schedules. The visiting priests that have come here have made the same comments: PLEASE CLICK TO READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE...