In order for the Mass to be celebrated smoothly—meaning that all the liturgical rituals are done well so that the Mass becomes a dialogue between God and His people, the priest needs the assistance of many ministers of the altar—altar servers, lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. PLEASE CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS....
New Altar Server Training will offered for any child in Grade 4 and up. Each child must complete 3 out of 4 sessions to be added to the Ministry Schedule. A sign-up sheet
will be available in the back of the church and at Religious Education classes. See Mrs. Bonner at Henry James to sign up, Tues. Oct.29th 4 pm-5 pm, Wed. Oct. 30th 4 pm-5 pm, Fri. Nov. 1st 5 pm-6 pm and Sat. Nov. 2nd 3:45pm-4:45pm. Please be sure to indicate which days you will attend.
A warm welcome to our newest Altar Servers Molly Gibbons, Michael Doyle, Quinn Bailey, Ana Rooney, Alex Bourque, Daelan Mangiafico, Maeve Wright, Tyler Coiro, Claire & Erin Harper, Liam Tagliatela and Olivia Coutinho who, over the last few weekends have done a fantastic job as altar servers and I, shamefully, forgot to welcome them at the Masses they served. They not only did a great job but are very enthusiastic about serving God and our community. Service is contagious. Welcome aboard!