Fr. Tad, as he is known, spoke here at St Catherine of Siena during the second term of the Obama Administration on the issue of universal healthcare. He was part of a 3-person panel. Fr. Tad is a well respected Catholic educator and I found the article interesting in that ‘blame’ is not heaped on the parents or the children, but on society, which used to hold to traditions and accountability—all seeking the excellence of the common good. Enjoy the common sense, which Mark Twain noted was “…very uncommon.” —Fr. Michael
In the midst of all the business of everyday life—jobs, volunteerism, sports and the rush of the modern world—it is wonderfully relaxing to participate in God’s Love for His creation. That we are His, that He Loves us, and that He has plans for us to be One with Him for all Eternity. God’s Love is unconditional. Even when we fail, He still loves us and that Love is meant to see the excellence of our lives—Eternal Joy. That truly makes one wonder why there are people who choose not to know Him and not to follow Him.
In the news of late, locally and across the nation, there has been reports of miracles in the Catholic Church. This is nothing new to be honest. Throughout our Church’s history, the Lord has performed miracles of all types and in many parts of the world. And, yes it is certain to say that miracles happen all the time—and I am not talking about raising people from the dead or turning water into wine. I am talking about the miracles of people caring and sharing with those in need. In addition, if you do not think that that is a miracle in this world, which can be all too selfish and self-centered
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity occurs on the second Sunday after Pentecost. The feast day celebrates the central mystery of our faith, the three persons in one God - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.