This Sunday we hear the gospel story (Luke 16: 19-31) of the rich young man, dressed in fine purple linen and “living life well.” Then we hear that his earthly life of privilege ends and it is time for eternal life, which will come to each and everyone one of us. This Sunday’s story begs the question: what am I doing with the time God has allotted to me on this earth?
Join us on Saturday, October 15, 2022 at 12 noon in the Mary Garden (in case of rain we will pray the rosary inside the church at the Mary statue). Let us pray for our Nation, the intention of the Blessed Mother Mary who is patron of the United States, as we celebrate the anniversary of our Lady’s apparitions at Fatima. We will show our love and veneration to God, Christ and their Mother.
There has been a great deal of coverage on the death of Her Majesty The Queen, and while she was a woman of sacrifice and service in the world and should be remembered and honored, I would like to also note the passing of a more local “Queen,” in our parish community: Mrs. Dorothy Ianzito.
On September 24, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., our parish will sponsor an activity for every family and individual in our parish that is sure to create an atmosphere of fraternity, one of faith and most assuredly filled with fun—it is the first-ever St. Catherine of Siena Backyard Carnival and Picnic. As pastor, I am offering a personal invitation to one-and-all. I hope you won’t miss out, and to ensure enough food, ice cream, drinks and fried dough, I am asking that you register online, as soon as possible, by going to website
This Sunday our readings convey a common set of themes, which are the Love of God comprised of Mercy and Forgiveness. In our first reading from the Book of Exodus (Chapter 32), we can extract from it the idea of a “collective Prodigal Son” story, which we will hear in today’s Lukan Gospel. Israel has turned from God and begins to worship idols, a golden calf. This is symbolic of a turning inward or away from God and seeking direction, truth or whatever from earthly, material items:
Faith Formation News & Information Immediately following Labor Day Weekend, an email will be sent to all Faith Formation parents regarding: 1. Class and teacher assignments 2. A reminder schedule of class schedule and events for the year-ahead 3. Important dates for parent conferences for both K-8 and Confirmation classes 4. Information about our new Faith Formation Leader, Zach Wood 5. Detailed information about our Faith Formation Program—that it is cumulative and requires the participation of your child and parents.
Our schedule of events for September 24’s Backyard Carnival & Picnic is from 11 am until 4 pm, and from 3-4 pm we have the well-known and well-respected Dr. Kevin Dowd. Kevin has spoken here before to Confirmation candidates before and to our parish last October. He will join us on Saturday, 9/24 for brief conversation and Q&A on the topic of “Family & Faith.”