As we return to ‘normal” celebration of the Mass with a full contingent of lectors, Eucharistic ministers, ushers and now altar servers, I would first and foremost like to: Invite our current list of altar servers to return to the Ministry Scheduler Pro and sign up to assist at the Masses.I would also like to invite NEW altar servers to join our ranks. If you are in the fourth (4th) grade or higher, and would like to be an altar server, please have your parents call the parish office, 658 1642
Thank you to all who collected a Birthright Baby bottle to help support women who are in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy. Your generous donation provides the love and support to these women that is needed in this difficult time. The birthright tag line is “Friendship, Love and Hope,” which many of these single moms might not have in their personal lives.
Thanks be to God we now are far from the days of 2020 and even 2021 when a new, unknown virus infected our Nation and hospitals were overwhelmed and people were dying. We prayed like we never prayed before. We refused to go out in public, we ordered our dinners as take-away and our groceries arrived by way of home-delivery. We washed our soup cans off and left our dry goods and the mail in the garage for 24 hours… washed our hands like clock-work and bleached everything in sight.