The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) will begin in our parish on Tuesday, October 12th at 7 p.m. in the Library. The RICA program is designed to welcome and educate those who are interested in becoming Roman Catholics. RCIA is meant to lead you into the meaning and love of Christ’s grace and favor, which God entrusted to the Catholic Church for the salvation of the world in all times and places.
Evening Adoration is being planned once again. Last year, this was offered once-a-month on the third Tuesday evening at 7 p.m., with lay parishioners who have been trained in the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament to enable an opportunity for private prayer before the Lord.
On Saturday, September 25 th the Archdiocese of Hartford will host a Men’s Catholic Conference at New Britain stadium beginning at 8:30 a.m. Please call the parish office, 658 1642, to reserve a free ticket. The conference will provide guest speakers who address the importance of a male role model in the Christian faith—particularly in the family setting, and the impact he has on bringing his children to faith; what the role of a Catholic father comprises, the “what” of being a Catholic dad
Currently on Tuesday mornings following the daily Mass, Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament is offered. This provides our parishioners with an opportunity to spend time in private prayer (with brief beginning and ending prayers) before the Lord. You are able to bring all your prayers and petitions, your concerns and cares, your prayerful conversation with the Lord in the sacred space of our Church.
I am really looking forward to this October 1-3 Falling for Faith festival in our parish. This is a big project and has had and will continue to have a lot of moving parts. Much has been done, some more needs to be done. It will also require a large number of volunteers. Many have already enlisted but a few more are needed.