New England Catholic Schools Week November 14-19 is weeklong celebration of the Wonders of Catholic Education in the six New England states and her 11 Catholic Arch/Dioceses, including the Archdiocese of Hartford, through the work of its Center for Catholic Education & Formation. Increased marketing and media relations kick-off a new enrollment and marketing campaign designed to highlight the benefits of Catholic education, which has an overall theme of “There’s Something Greater Here.”
If we believe in Christ and then share that faith in Him with others, then all shall be well, in fact it will be perfect for our journey toward eternal life. Listen again the closing words in today’s first reading from Daniel: “But the wise shall shine brightly like the splendor of the firmament, and those who lead the many to justice shall be like the starsforever."
When we think of the word “duplicity,’ what comes to mind? The dictionary defines it as: (noun, ) deceitfulness; double-dealing. Similar words are: deceitfulness, deceit, two-facedness, double-dealing, dishonesty, fraudulence, etc. The Bible uses the word a few times, and in today’s Gospel message the word “duplicity” comes to mind when we hear the Lord speak about the Scribes...