As we continue to return to more normal public worship with greater participation of the laity, it is time to encourage our parishioners to consider becoming lectors, adult altar servers, Eucharistic ministers and ushers so that the celebration of the Mass is a smooth and effective liturgical experience.
What is the foundation of the Commandments? Love! This Sunday’s Gospel conversation between the Lord and a Scribe is considered “refreshing” as it is friendly and informational—one of learning—rather contentious on the part of the Scribe (and the Pharisees) but key is the idea that today’s Gospel is a conversation about the fundamental Truth about our Faith and our pathway to the Kingdom of God.
There are many myths and misinformation about the Catholic Church. Sure, people know all the “Thou shall nots” but do you really know the heart of the Church, and what she does in the world and in this Nation, all the good? The Roman Catholic Church is the largest private entity providing food, shelter, healthcare, education and other social service resources in our Nation, aside from the federal and state governments, which have taxing authority to pay for welfare, hospitals and schools
I am pleased to announce and to welcome Mrs. Carmen Altamirano as our new interim Director of Faith Formation effective Monday, 18 October 2021. Carmen is a member of our Catechist team, under Kathi Bonner, and will now assume the role of Faith Formation Director. Carmen comes highly recommended by Kathi Bonner and after my first meeting with her I saw why
Last weekend’s Falling for Faith Festival was nothing less than a great success. In terms of content, in terms of attendance, in terms of volunteers and smooth operations, and in terms of feedback—comments have been mostly positive and people have been inquiring about more information so we that can move forward in our faith.
I am excited to announce that the St. Catherine of Siena Music Ministry is taking its first step toward ensemble singing with the return of the Adult Choir at the 11 a.m. Mass on Oct. 17 th . Now, for the ask–would you like to join the Choir? Being part of the choir is a great way to sing your faith each week along with a wonderful group of people, and we could use more singers–both men and women.