In the Gospel of Matthew this weekend we see the beginning design of Jesus’ Church: personally Jesus can only reach so many people so He needs disciples to continue and expand His personal mission and ministry into the world, thus He will need His disciples to travel in His Name and proclaim His Love to the world, continuing to this very day calling us—you and me—to be His disciples. Thus the gospel is meant to be read closely and taken to heart.
That’s right, on July 4 and 5 our parish along with all parishes in the Archdiocese of Hartford are able to offer in-person public Masses on the weekends. This is in addition to our regular 8:30 a.m. Daily Masses. Our summertime Mass schedule is the Saturday Vigil at 5 p.m., and Sunday Masses at 8 and 11 a.m. How do we return to the Public Mass? CLICK TO READ MORE!
As we celebrate Father’s Day—and in remembering Mother’s Day, since “the two become one”—our faith calls us to recognize the importance of parenthood on this weekend. It becomes clear in the Rite of Baptism’s closing prayer as the priest proclaims the Church’s hope for the parents in these prayerful words: that “He and his wife will be the first teachers of their child in the ways of faith. May they be also the best of teachers, bearing witness to the faith by what they say and do, in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
These last few months certainly have been challenging and difficult times. We all have had our work- and home-lives changed, our social lives too have been turned upside-down to say the least. We’ve learned to grocery shop differently, to greet and say goodbye in new ways, Zoom or GoToMeetings have become new ways of communicating; and what can we say about distance learning and the workload added to being a mom and dad.
So a good starting point for us to consider might be this: How essential is Christ to me and my life? As Catholic Christians we believe that we have been made in the image and likeness of God; that we share in His Divine Attributes: that we are comprised of His Mercy, His Compassion, His Love and His Charity. And that is a wonderful starting place—and enough for us to be sure that to God, and hopefully to one another, we are “essential.”
Beginning Monday, 15 June 2020, Archbishop Leonard P. Blair has appointed me as Vicar for the Office of Education, Evangelization and Catechesis (OEEC) in the Archdiocese of Hartford (AOH). “The OEEC of the Archdiocese of Hartford invites, supports and accompanies parish and Catholic school leaders in their efforts to inspire educational excellence and transformative lifelong faith formation
A celebration of First Holy Communion for our first communicants and us all This weekend our parish celebrates the Sacrament of First Holy Communion (FHC) as our second grade Faith Formation students will be fed and nourished by the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ (CCC). For we believe what Christ Himself said: “Whoever eats this bread will live forever.”
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity is celebrated on our Church’s calendar this weekend—and what a good time it is for us to hear God’s message as we find ourselves in the midst of the Coronavirus, the just protests and the unjust riots. But first, what is this Solemnity all about? “The Most Holy Trinity asks us to understand “The fundamental dogma, on which everything in Christianity is based, is that of the Blessed Trinity in whose name all Christians are baptized.
Beginning Monday, 8 June, the celebration of DAILY Mass will be at its normal time at 8:30 a.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays (No Mass on Thursdays, which is my day off from the parish—St. Mary’s has a daily Mass on Thursdays but not Friday’s which is Monsignor Matera’s day off). The Archdiocese of Hartford (AOH) has not selected a date for the resumption of weekend (Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses) as of yet, but hopefully will soon.
In keeping with the State guidelines and the Archdiocese of Hartford, we may have up to 100 parishioners attend daily Mass. Please sign up to attend a specific day of the week. Please read the details on safety requirements here. Please see the YouTube link on this page on the demonstration on receiving Holy Communion. Mass requirements.