The Christmas account of the Nativity of Jesus in Bethlehem is a fact. The meaning of the Christmas message, whether one believes in Jesus or not, does not change His message. The Love of God the Father and the action of His Only Begotten Son, Jesus the Christ, is not dependent on our belief but is Eternal Truth. It is a message of Love, Hope and Charity and this message is meant for one and all.
With the pandemic’s isolation, we have been hit with a “perfect storm”: (1) fewer people able to attend Mass, thus hear about the AGT and collect their envelopes to donate to these two great causes, and (2) increased needs for healthcare assistance (MHC) and more help for food and assistance due to lost jobs and reduced hours. People are struggling even more due to this pandemic.
Those who have registered for indoor Mass, please arrive no sooner than 15 mins before Mass through the atrium doors. Ushers will have lists for those signed up for the Church proper & Russell Hall. Please see the Usher. All who have signed up for indoor Mass, please park in the back parking lot (unless using handicapped spaces). Those who plan to listen to the Mass in their car, (101.1 FM) please park in the front lot. For those listening to Mass in their car and who wish to receive Communion, please exit your car and line up for Holy Communion at the Atrium doors where you see the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
As we endure this pandemic’s ongoing restrictions and concern for the contagion, most of us have altered our lives a great deal, including not regularly receiving the Eucharist and thus for many, through no fault of their own, are being distanced from Christ Sacramentally. Long term, this is a concern for us individually and for the Church as people might become comfortable with “attending Mass” from the couch
As I mentioned last weekend, our parish is in need of Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, and traffic helpers for our Christmas Mass schedule. For the Masses we will need 5 Eucharistic Ministers, (between the ages of 18 and 60) four of whom will be (2 each) in Russell Hall and the church proper, and two will distribute at the Atrium doors heading outside. As for Ushers, we will need two (2) each at all the Masses, the role of the usher is to greet and help seat the attendees in the locations (church and Russell) for which they have registered.
I invite you to participate in this great program. Stop by the church and take an envelope off one of our Advent Giving Trees and return the envelope with your donation to the Church, or go to and make a donation through FAITH DIRECT online giving. You may call the parish office, 658 1642, for any assistance. Our Advent Giving Tree program runs through the Feast of the Epiphany in early January. Thank you in advance for your generosity and most of all, for your lived faith and reason. May God continue to bless you and those you love with His abundant grace.