In our world of ever-present debates, “blame games” and 24/7 “Pete & Repeat” talk shows,” the following poem, which was given to me a few weeks ago by a parishioner, is a good read and reminder for all. The poem is entitled, The Cookie Thief, by Valerie Cox.
Did you bring your children to Faith Formation (formerly religious education) classes year after year? Did you lead them to Mass on Sundays, and ensure they arrived at Confirmation classes? Did you practice the faith at home, speaking of God and perhaps giving thanks at meals for all your blessings? What happened??? Now these young or maybe middle-aged adults don’t practice their faith? “What did I do wrong, you ask?”
This Sunday, the 19th week in Ordinary Time, the readings again continue the theme of the last few weeks regarding our priorities and preparation for the coming Kingdom and we continue that journey with this weekend’s readings but rather than in faraway lands we take on the perspective of our own local pilgrimage.
I hear you, far too often when I mention the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal (AAA) I get a glazed look from the person to whom I am speaking. Sometimes I imagine a “bubble” over them proclaiming: “Here we go again, money, money, and money.” And yes, the Catholic Church does ask for money. Yes, the Catholic Church does extend itself into the culture with a wide-ranging helping hand. Guilty as charge!