In this weekend’s first reading from First Kings, and summarize in some four minutes, the prophet Elijah is going to retire and has been told by God to anoint Elisha, son of Shaphat of Abelmeholah, as his successor as the new prophet of God. In this “retirement” ceremony—Elijah throws his mantle, his cloak, over Elisha making him the new prophet of God—the cloak is the sign of the prophet. All this is accomplished while they were out in the fields plowing with oxen
This Monday, July 1st at 7 p.m., Jim Smith the chairman of Webster Bank and the Hartford Bishops’ Foundation will speak to you and answer your questions about our current Forward with Faith campaign. The goal of this joint campaign is to reinvigorate and grow both our parish and to reposition our Catholic faith’s relevance in our modern world.
On this solemnity of the Catholic Church we celebrate the real presence of Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. We do so in hearing—and in understanding—the context of the Gospel of Luke and the account of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. What does the Catholic Church teach about the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharistic meal?
Forward with Faith will provide much-needed financial support to parishes; ensure access to a high-quality Catholic education; invest in faith formation and campus infrastructure; and minister to the needy in our region by providing vital human services. All 129 parishes in our archdiocese will be conducting Forward with Faith; and St. Catherine of Siena is included with a block of parishes that has launched its parish campaign this month. Learn about our Spiritual, Programmatic and Structural goals!
My name is Stephanie Sickinger, and I am a lifelong parishioner of St. Catherine of Siena, as well as recent graduate of Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. Ever since I can remember, my parents encouraged me to deepen my faith through the spirit of giving back. This was demonstrated through Saturday mornings at St. Elizabeth’s House and annual Mission Trips to Boston through Youth Group. My experiences with St. Catherine of Siena were the seeds to my understanding of service and set the stage for my life now.
Our Archdiocese encompasses a vibrant region filled with an extraordinary group of people. We are blessed with more than 530,000 faith-filled, industrious, and committed Catholics of all ages from Litchfield, Hartford, and New Haven counties who represent the diversity of God’s human family and our greater Church. We are here to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, to offer sacrifice and praise, and to reach out to those in need
This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost: the coming of the Holy Spirit sent by the Father to continue, fulfill and extend the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ through you and me—all of us—in the way we accept the Holy Spirit into our lives and allow God to dwell within us and transform us into Disciples of Christ. And today’s account of the first Pentecost lays it all out for us.