This Sunday we celebrate the “Birthday of the Church” (Pentecost) and the sending of the Holy Spirit, both corporately to the institutional Church and individually to each and every believer. This is a celebration of Love--the Love which the Father and the Son have for each other and so manifested as the Holy Spirit among us as well as the Love of Christ our Lord to be with us always until the end of the ages. The Holy Spirit is sent to remind us of all that Jesus taught us, to reveal His Truths, and them to lead us to the Truth so that we may live it out in our daily Christian lives.
Saint Catherine of Siena presents, "Maker Fun Factory". At Maker Fun Factory children will discover that God made them the way they are but for a purpose, too! Our Vacation Bible School Program is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences. Some of our other STAND OUT activities include; science fun gizmos, team building games, COOL bible songs and tasty treats. Don't miss this life-changing adventure for your kids.
In the Catholic Church the month of May has always been “Mary’s Month” when we have honored and recognized Mary’s role in our own personal as well as collective faiths lives. This year for the first time in Church history, due to Pope Francis, there are three (3) Marian Feasts celebrated on the Church’s liturgical calendar. The Pope has added the Feast of the Role of Mary as Mother of the Church to our liturgical celebrations. The three feasts celebrated this month are: (1) Our Lady of Fatima on May 13th; (2) Mary, Mother of the Church on Pentecost Monday, May 21st; and, (3) The Feast of the Visitation on May 31st.
As we enter into the Sixth Sunday of this Easter Season and being only 15 days away from Pentecost Sunday—the birthday of the Church—we consider the meaning of the first Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was given to the Church (and the world) by God the Father to provide us with ALL TRUTHS and guide us to those truths, so that we can successful make our spiritual journey to deepen our Christian faith.