The Catholic faith calls us to remember to pray for our loved ones who have gone home to God, for their soul to be welcomed home by our Father. We pray for the souls in purgatory, for God loves us all and this is why He asks us to pray for the beloved dead. We also believe, as Catholics, in the Communion of Saints—that when we die and enter into Heaven we are members of the Communion of Saints, sharing in God’s Eternal Light
Summary: On May 13th, 1917 three children were playing games in the field while tending their sheep. Suddenly they saw a flash of light. They took refuge under a tree about a hundred yards away. They saw a flash of light again. They began running when they saw; standing over a small holmoak tree, a Lady dressed in white more brilliant than the sun. That was the beginning of Our Blessed Mother at Fatima.
This weekend we hear again of the vineyard and how the landowner sends people to collect the fruits of the vineyard from those land tenants who have leased the lands and raised the crops. When the landowner’s collectors come, they are stoned and killed—even the landowner’s son who is sent is not safe and is put to death. The story ends with the landowner replacing the tenant farmers with new peoples. In this parable, we can see the landowner as God and the new tenants as Christians...