I would like you to consider becoming a Eucharistic Minister, lector, altar server or usher. If you are interested there will be sign-up sheets in the atrium and vestibule or speak to me directly.....Summertime presents many ministerial problems, not the least of which is the lack of folks at Masses which stems from summer vacations and travel, all understandable. However, the Mass continues every day and each weekend—with or without a full contingent of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, lectors, altar servers and ushers...CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS
As Fr. John Hardon points out in his Modern Catholic Dictionary, the origins of the celebration of Trinity Sunday go all the way back to the Arian heresy of the fourth century. Arius believed that Christ was a created being, and in denying the divinity of Christ, he denied that there are three Persons in God. Arius' chief opponent, Athanasius, upheld the orthodox doctrine that there are three Persons in one God, and the orthodox view prevailed at the Council of Nicaea, from which we get the Nicene Creed...CLICK TO READ MORE
Our Church celebrates this weekend this year as Pentecost Sunday, the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Church and her people. After Easter Sunday, Christmas, is the second-greatest feast in the Christian liturgical calendar, but Pentecost Sunday is not far behind. Coming 50 days after Easter and ten days after the Ascension of Our Lord, Pentecost marks the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. For that reason, it is often called the "the birthday of the Church."
In today’s Gospel from John (17:11b-19), Jesus reminds us that we have been given His Name and have been protected and guarded by Christ so that we may receive His joy and be complete (the joy we are to receive will be the absolute joy of heaven where we will all share in the divine attributes of Christ).
We’ve all been to baptisms galore and while it may not be doing “brain surgery” and there are some things that need to be restated from time-to-time for our own edification. Many people have concerns and sometimes difficulties in selecting godparents. With many people not regularly practicing their faith or not having any faith at all, it can be difficult to know many who can fulfill the role of a godparent in today’s world, sadly. What is a godparent?
In a few weeks in May the Archdiocese of Hartford will be seeking your input on changes required to prepare the Church of Hartford to best evangelize andserve the people of God in the three-counties of the Archdiocese. Make your voice heard by filling out the brief online survey that will be offered to all Catholichouseholds within the Archdiocese.