The United States Supreme Court, that equal branch of the Federal Government to Congress and the Executive, ruled that certain closely held corporations with fundamental religious beliefs are granted religious liberty under an existing federal law, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993. This law, cited in the Hobby Lobby case as well as the Supreme Court?s ruling in said case, is now under attack by certain federal legislators. It is interestingly sad how so much misinformation (falsehoods) is being used in their talking points to criticize the Justices? ruling and more importantly to cloud the real issue. PLEASE CLICK TO READ MORE...
This weekend our gospel talks to us about the parable of good seeds and weeds. Planted in the same garden, good seeds by God will bring about a fruitful harvest; and weeds-planted by the enemy of the Lord-will grow in the garden and choke off the good seeds. Asked by the workers in the fields if they should cut out the weeds now, the Master says "no." But in the end, this parable taught by Christ says that while the weeds and seeds might grow together - comingle in the world of the living - meaning that good and evil will exist in this world together CLICK TO READ MORE....
The Town of Simsbury has an Emergency Preparedness contact list with all members of the church community in the event there is an emergency situation, it is essential to those who live alone, or without daily contact with family, or neighbors, to connect with town social service department. Here at Saint Catherine of Siena, we are an extended family. We look out for each other. So, if you, or someone you know would like to be "checked upon" in the event of a natural disaster please call the rectory, 658-1642, or Pat Pabich at 658-5332.Confidentiality is assured.
In order for the celebration of the Mass to take place, and stemming from the rightful call of Vatican Two, the laity has been asked to become "fully involved" in the life of the parish. Part of that involvement is the use of lay ministers in the celebration of the Sacred Eucharist. A few days ago a Eucharistic Minister asked me a few questions about their role and their duties. It sparked a conversation that I thought might be of interest to others?CLICK FOR ENTIRE ARTICLE
The Connecticut Catholic Conference welcomes the decision of the United States Supreme Court which upholds the position of the Hobby-Lobby Stores and the Conestoga Wood Specialties in their prolonged battle with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services...CLICK TO READ ENTIRE ARTICLE
If you have not yet viewed the parking lot expansion plans in the Atrium, please take a look at what is about to take place here at Saint Catherine of Siena. The anticipated start date is 21 July 2014 with an expected completion date of 19 September 2014...CLICK FOR MORE INFORMATION
It seems that as we listen to the weather news of late, freakish weather is on our doorsteps. Some blame global warming, some blame El Niño, some blame the natural cycles of the earth. No matter who or what is to blame, when the ?sirens? sound just minutes before the critical weather strikes, we run for cover and seek shelter. In the context of this weekend?s gospel of Jesus? final judgment and the destruction of the towns to which He ministered, we get more than a few minute?s notice, Jesus? warnings offers us a whole lifetime to prepare for the final judgment...CLICK TO READ ENTIRE ARTICLE
Kudos and Thanks Watering: I just want to offer my thanks to so many folks who work hard to keep the parish looking so great. The ladies who have organized, under Barbara Hopkins, the watering and caring for the plantings and flowers of the Church property. I am very grateful to them for all their time and energy. Our parish looks great thanks to their support. Altar linens: thanks also to the folks who care for and prepare the altar linens used in the celebration of the Sacred Eucharist each day of the week and weekend here at Saint Catherine of Siena. PLEASE CLICK TO READ MORE...
While many of the activities of the parish seem to go "on hold" during the summer, much continues here as normal at Saint Catherine of Siena. Pantry Partners, Feed the Hungry Youth, and Saint Elizabeth House shelter meals continue all summer long. The parish office is open and baptisms, funerals and weddings continue; planning for next year's religious education program and next year's Youth Ministry programs are well underway. The grounds and facilities continue to need care all summer long - and the daily Mass and weekend Masses take place even while many are away for the summer. Please keep Saint Catherine of Siena in your prayers during the summer and remember to help us with your weekly offerings even if you are away...we want to be fully up and running for you next September. Thank you!
Much is about to happen with regard to religious liberty this weekend. First, there will be a prayer service in the Mary Garden immediately after the Sunday 11 a.m. Mass. This prayer service is part of the US Bishop's Conference (USCCB) call for the annual Fortnight for Freedom celebrations all across the United States. This year's theme is Freedom to Serve, and calls on all Americans to pray and work for religious liberty in our nation. The prayers and songs will focus on the right to practice our Catholic faith outside of the four walls of our church building....CLICK TO READ MORE