As you are well aware, we are underway with our parking lot expansion and repair efforts. I have contracts in hand for the new lot and for the lighting in both the new and the existing lots. I will be meeting with Valley Electric and with Caldwell Excavating and Grading who are the two chosen contractors for the project. We are slated to begin the work on 21 July and have an anticipated completion date of 19 September...For those who are interested, in the atrium you will see drawings of the new lot in location to our existing facilities.
This Sunday the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. These two men of the Church are honored for their efforts to bring the Church into being after the Ascension of the Lord into heaven and for their roles in the initial leadership of the Catholic Church in its earliest days...This Solemnity is also a day of celebration in Rome when newly appointed archbishops throughout the world gather before the pope to receive their pallium. So what is a pallium and why do archbishops receive one? What does it imply? CLICK TO READ MORE!
As I announced at the Masses last weekend, Archbishop Leonard Paul Blair has reappointed me as pastor of Saint Catherine of Siena Parish effective 30 June 2014, for a term of six years...Monsignor Gerard Schmitz, Vicar for Priests (personnel director) of the Archdiocese, came to Saint Catherine of Siena in early June and met with the leadership of the Parish Council, Parish Finance Council and ministry heads to assess the direction and leadership of the parish in order to report back to the archbishop on what direction he might proceed...CLICK TO READ MORE!
Kathi Bonner, our parish's Director of Religious Education, was recognized on 17 June 2014 with the highest honors bestowed by the Archdiocese of Hartford from its four-year Biblical School, granting her the Father Lawrence Boadt Memorial Medal.
This weekend our Catholic Church universal celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. It is a celebration of something magnificent and something nothing less than the REAL presence of Christ Jesus in the sacramental form of bread and wine, which once consecrated becomes the real, true and divine presence of Christ. CLICK TO READ MORE...
On June 8 our parish?s Defenders of Faith ministry, in conjunction with St. Ann?s (Avon) DOF ministry, planned and executed a most successful public discussion on the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA/Obamacare) on the Catholic Church-at-large and on the individual Catholic practitioner?you and me. More than 240 people packed Russell Hall on a warm and bright New England Sunday afternoon?a testimony to the importance of this issue to people of faith... PLEASE CLICK TO READ ENTIRE ARTICLE
We now enter a long period of Ordinary Time?right through the summer and into the fall?until we see the Season of Advent. Ordinary Time means green vestments, green altar linens, and colorful flowers of the summer?but it also means something "unordinary" ? the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ and His command to us (as individuals and to His Church) to take up His Cross and carry His mission and ministry of Good News into the world. CLICK TO READ MORE...
This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit - the Advocate - was sent by Christ in a promise He made to us that He would not abandon us. The Holy Spirit, the indwelling of God in us, is not just a guide for the governance body of the Church (the Magisterium) but is a guide and protector for each and every one of us. The Holy Spirit of God dwells within our hearts to accomplish a few things: (1) to lead us to the Truths of Christ and to constantly remind us of those Truths, (2) to instruct us in our moral decision-making, so as to know the difference between what is "righteous" and what is "good," and (3) to help enable us to be more like God in our words and deeds, thus living out the good works of the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ as visible signs of God love in our world. CLICK TO READ MORE...
On Sunday, June 8 at 1 p.m. Saint Catherine of Siena Parish (in Russell Hall) will host a second in a conversational series entitled The Catholic Church in the Public Arena with an educated conversation on the factual issues relevant to President Obama's Affordable Care Act and the practice of our religious freedom. PLEASE CLICK FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS...
On June 14, 2014, Northwest Catholic High School will host the second Northwest Catholic Scholarship Scamper 5k Road Race, beginning and ending on the Northwest Catholic campus. This chip-timed event will be competitive for serious runners, welcoming for casual runners and walkers, and fun for everyone. The post-race gathering will include food, beverages and fun for the whole family. All proceeds of the event will go toward scholarships to help deserving students enjoy a Northwest Catholic education...CLICK FOR IMPORTANT DETAILS!!