If you have knowledge or suspect that a minor or vulnerable adult (an adult with an intellectual disability) has been sexually abused, in any manner, by personnel of the Archdiocese of Hartford, you are urged to report this information to Sister Dolores Lahr, CSJ, Victim Assistance Coordinator, 860-541-6475 sr.lahr@aohct.org...PLEASE CLICK FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS!
This update is just to keep everyone in the loop as to what issues we are facing as a parish and what the avenues of recourse are that are open to us. As always, I appreciate your support by way of the Repair and Refurbishment Collection and want you to know that everything is being done to make appropriate and smart-headed, long-term decisions. PLEASE CLICK FOR IMPORTANT DETAILS!!!
As we wrap-up the "academic year" here at Saint Catherine of Siena, I want to take a few lines to express my thanks to our standing ministries (Religious Education, Youth Ministry, and Music) to personally thank all involved for making our parish so alive with faith and action. For Religious Education: I want to thank Kathi Bonner and all the catechists and aides who pass on the faith to our future Catholics with such devotion and hope. We have, without a doubt, one of the best religious education programs in the area and the testimony to that is the fact that while other programs are shrinking. Ours is growing and attracting more students CLICK TO READ MORE...
In the Gospel of John (14:15-21) the "world" is used to highlight the unacceptance of the "Spirit of Truth" and stands for everything that is opposed to God: hatred, violence, a lack of charity and unity. The "world" is that which is lacking in the in-dwelling Love of God...John highlights those who are unwilling to accept this "Spirit of Truth" as those opposed to the ways of Christ - the visible God. The "world" is a seedy place, a place where selfishness and greed, lust and desire for power obtained by the putting down of others; a lifestyle where goodness and hope are replaced by their opposites: badness and despair...CLICK TO READ MORE
Last weekend we heard about "Commitment Weekend" and our individual support as well as our parish's support of the good works accomplished in the name of Christ through the Archbishop's Annual Appeal. I want to personally thank every-one who has already donated to these corporal works of mercy and to those who are or will be "committing" to it in the near future - THANK YOU! If I might also ask a favor of parishioners here who have joined us from another parish, when you make your donation kindly make sure to list St. Catherine of Siena as your home parish. If you don't change your affiliation with the Archbishop's Annual Appeal Office then your old parish gets the credit...CLICK TO READ MORE
We are well into the Easter Season and for some it might seem like we are :stretching out" the Easter theme? but in reality the theme of Easter?the Resurrection of Christ and all that it means for you and me is Everlasting! And so the Season and its message is one that deserves a great deal, as well as depth, of our attention...PLEASE CLICK TO READ ENTIRE ARTICLE...
Friday, May 30 gives you an opportunity to have fun, expand your fellowship with other parishioners, and to support local Simsbury residents in need of food and others seeking much needed health care. The outing starts at 11:30am at Simsbury Farms and includes golf, food, drinks and lot's of fun! PLEASE CLICK FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS!!!