Our first Lenten Mercy week collection went very well and benefited Gifts of Love in Avon which provides much needed food and household items for families in need. The ladies who organize and execute this ministry—Sherry Cordani and Tina Yablonski along with the help of new parishioner Carol Herron spent the first Monday putting all the items in order and taking them to Avon’s Gifts of Love. This outpouring of goods is a sure example of Monday morning (March 10 th) Gospel message which highlight that we actually love God by loving the God in our neighbors in need...CLICK FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS...
Looking for a great way to become more involved in our Parish Community? Join your fellow parishioners for the Time and Talent Fair after all Masses on the weekend of March 22 nd and 23rd. Come see old friends and make some new ones as you learn about all the ministries that work hard to make this parish as wonderful and lively as it is. There will be represent-atives from all of the ministries there to answer questions and to tell you more about their works. Joining a ministry is a great way to be social with your fellow parishioners as well as to doing great work in the name of Jesus. So, take a few minutes after Mass and walk through Russell Hall, there are many ministries and there is sure to be one for everyone who would like to be involved.
"Children Making Change" teaches our children that they can make a difference in the lives of the needy. Each grade, K-10, will use lessons from the Gospel in an age-appropriate way, to help the children understand that no child nor deed is too small to help another. Each week the children can contribute change from allowance, milk money, couch change, etc. to their classroom "bank". All the proceeds go to "Covenant to Care" which specifically helps children in need of necessities. This program is part of the parish -wide Lenten Mercy Project. "Children Making Change" campaign continues! We are called to be "Good Samaritans!" !
For the Season of Lent all Catholic parishes will be open for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) EVERY MONDAY from 6-7 PM. This is an opportunity of ease—so that on your way home from work or school or while out running errands every church will be available to help Catholics return to the sacramental practice of experiencing God’s loving mercy and forgiveness. No matter how long it’s been since your last Confession…weeks, years, decades… this is an opportunity to experience Christ in the Sacrament through the priestly ministry of His Church! CLICK FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION...
Wednesday nights a dedicated group of our parishioners stand ready to welcome back and reintroduce Catholics to the practice of the their faith. Those who have stepped away from the Church—or feel that the Church has left them—are welcomed back in a non-confrontational and easy going way to learn about their faith and how they might be able to reconnect with God’s mercy and compassion. Many folks disagree with the Church on various issues—that does not make you a “bad” Catholic. However, often times these “disagreements” are based on misinformation, myths or the unfortunate experience with an uncooperative priest, a disinterested Church employee or an uncaring member…CLICK FOR MORE INFORMATION...
Please prayerfully read the enclosed insert from Archbishop Blair on the issue of Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS). I know many people in Connecticut have already seemingly made up their minds on this issue. They have been lobbied by the words and misguided thoughts that the answer to this issue is all about “compassion” and “choice” and with the hope that they are making the end of life comfortable for some-one they love. I urge you to read the article at www.norwhichdiocese.org/religious-liberty.html and consider the whole of the discussion and not simply get wrapped up in the emotional aspects of the debate. CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS....
During Lent, Catholics in the USA abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and on all Fridays of Lent. They fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. To abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent means not to eat meat on those days. It does not intend the omission of eggs or dairy products. CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS...
The first week will be devoted to 'Feed the Hungry' and
the agency benefiting from our collection is Gifts of Love. As
most of you know, Gifts of Love is a local agency based in
Avon that believes that the best way to help families is to have
other families help them. They assist families experiencing a
financial crisis in the Greater Hartford area. They are in need of
cereal, canned vegetables and fruit, spaghetti sauce, soups and
Two Lenten Bible Study programs are being offered at Saint Catherine of Siena. The first one is led by Mrs. Bonner, director of religious education and meets on Wednesdays of Lent in the Library at 9:15 a.m. (till 10 a.m.) and follows the Lection-ary for Lent. Anyone who has taken a bible study with Mrs. Bonner knows how detailed and action-packed they are. Join her on this great spiritual journey. The second study program is be-ing offered on Saturday mornings in Lent (9-10:30 a.m.) in Rus-sell Hall and is led by Lou Daniels and Fr. Michael (it also has bagels and coffee sponsored by the Men’s Club!) and follows the Lenten Lectionary and will include the histrionics of the day and culture.
People who worry—worrywarts or fussbudgets—are not usually fun to be around. They worry about what might happen or what to have for dinner or how much they need to exercise or if they should do this or do that. Worriers are telling us a lot about themselves but especially that they are placing themselves at the center of their universe. Everything or everyone tends to be about them. Remember Bette Midler in the Movie Beaches when talking to her friend she said, “Enough about me, let’s talk about you…so what do you think of me?!” Worrywarts are slaves to their own small world. They serve themselves; they worry because they can’t stop obsessing and usually about “me, myself and I.” PLEASE CLICK TO READ MORE...