Our Masses celebrating this Solemnity will be Wednesday, 31 December at 6 p.m. and Thursday, 1 January at 10 a.m., this Solemnity celebrates Mary, Mother of God, our Lady's greatest title. This feast is the octave of Christmas. In the modern Roman Calendar only Christmas and Easter enjoy the privilege of an octave. CLICK TO READ MORE...
What we as a faith community celebrate on Christmas Morning—The Incarnation of God into humanity as Jesus Christ! This gift of God’s love for His creation—the human person throughout all the ages—means that God has elevated the human person and the human family to the height of His Divineness for all Eternity. We have been blessed with the Eternal gift of being welcomed into His Love, His Compassion, His Wisdom, His Life forever...CLICK TO READ MORE!
Our parish is mightily blessed and Christmastime is a great reflecting point in which we can all remember, celebrate, and give thanks for these blessings. my sincere and deeply heartfelt thanks and appreciation and admiration—to each and every one of you for all of you and for all that each of you do! My Christmastime and “All-Yeartime” thanks!!! A very Merry and Happy and Blessed Christmas to you and your loved ones! CLICK TO READ ENTIRE ARTICLE...
The key message in today’s Gospel is that John the Baptist knew who he was and who he was not. “One mightier than I is coming after me….” He was not the Messiah but rather the disciple, and his role was to “make straight the path for the Lord” and to live out his vocation so that others would see the power of Christ to baptize with the Holy Spirit rather than with water like John: water cleanses, the Holy Spirit purifies.
The introit to the Mass this weekend is Rejoice! And this “rejoicing” comes to us as we enter into the Third Sunday of Advent were flowers, more upbeat music and organ usage—along with rose-colored vestments for the priest and rose-colored candles for the altar and procession—reminds us that we are nearer to the birth of Christ and the coming of the fullness of the Christmas Season...CLICK TO READ MORE
A number of years ago a small get-together at Karen and Bill Carew’s home with neighbors and friends—parishioners at St. Catherine—began something amazing by way of helping others. This week, what began with buying food and toys for children and families at Christmastime has evolved into a very substantial fundraising event raising annually more than $50,000 at Advent and Christmastime to support healthcare for the vulnerable in Greater Hartford and to help Neighbors In Need right here in our own backyards..CLICK TO READ ENTIRE ARTICLE
This year our parish will include three (3) organizations to benefit from our Advent Giving Tree collection; Neighbors In Need, Malta Mobile House of Care, and the Parish Legacy Fund: PLEASE CLICK TO READ MORE ABOUT THIS IMPORTANT TOPIC!
Most of us are—and maybe the better question to ask is “what kind of messenger am I?” In this second Sunday of Advent the Gospel of Mark presents us with John the Baptist. A true messenger. John knew who he was, and who he was not—he wasn’t the Messiah—John also knew who he was called to be and what his vocation in life was and then he set out to be that person. He was a martyr according to the Church. CLICK TO READ ENTIRE ARTICLE...