The immigration issue is complex and aggravating, to say the least. As a Catholic and as an American, I sometimes feel pulled in different directions. I try to keep in mind that my families came from Ireland and Italy—immigrants themselves—and not loved by the establishment of that day. CLICK TO READ ALL OF THIS IMPORTANT ARTICLE
O God, ever good and merciful, look graciously upon us as we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Our nation has been richly blessed, and we thank You for the necessities of life that so many of us enjoy in abundance. May we never take these gifts for granted or forget that they come from You, the Creator and Author of Life. We pray for those among us who suffer as a result of material, spiritual or moral poverty. Enkindle in us a greater charity toward our neighbor in need, and help us as a people to build a more just and peaceful society and world. We pray in a special way for those who are persecuted for their faith throughout the globe. Thank you, Father, for all Your blessings,In the Name of Christ Our Lord. Amen.
In today’s readings one can draw from them the desire of God to have His creation—us—fulfill His likeness and image by adopting a concern for those who are less fortunate, without regard for our own personal status in the world. The phrase Noblesse Oblige, literally French for nobility obligates, was first used in 1837, though the concept of “caring and sharing” one’s good fortune with those less fortunate predates its linguistic usage. PLEASE CLICK TO READ MORE...
I want to ask our parishioners to please only park in the handicapped spots if you or someone in your vehicle are handicapped and if your vehicle bears the Connecticut-required permit. We now have a new lot and plenty of spaces to accommodate our parishioners. Thank you! CLICK FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS...
Today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome, which from the beginning of the fourth century when it was given to the pope by Constantine, the palace of the Lateran was the principal residence of the popes, and continued as such for about a thousand years. The fall of the palace from its position of glory was the result of the departure of the popes from Rome during the Avignon period. CLICK TO READ ENTIRE ARTICLE...
Today we celebrate the Faithfully Departed - all those who have died and who believed that God loved them and actually desired them. This is the oldest feast celebrated in the Catholic Church to pray for the dead - at Mass and in our private prayers - is considered a Spiritual Work of Mercy that we all are obligated to do. CLICK TO READ ENTIRE ARTICLE...
This is just a sampling of how the Roman Catholic Church has been a major benefit to society at large and to the United States in particular, defending the dignity of all human life. Keep these figures in mind the next time you hear some ignorant person berating the Catholic faith as exclusionary or uncaring. Educate them! PLEASE CLICK TO READ THE DETAILS!!!
A big THANKS to the Women's Club for organizing our annual Trunk-Or-Treat event for our parish's children... THANKS also to our Health and Healing Ministry for providing the St. Catherine of Siena Flu Clinic on 21 October...CLICK FOR DETAILS...