I want to express my sincere thanks to many, many folks who took time and gave of their talents to make our parish look so festive this Christmastime. I start with thanks to Barbara Hopkins and Terry Longo for the hanging of the outdoor wreaths on the Church and the rectory. Barbara also orders all our poinsettia plants. They make our parish such a welcoming draw for those driving by....PLEASE CLICK TO READ MORE
It is my hope that the New Year brings all of us good health, peace and joy in abundance, prosperity in good measure for all, and a deeper spiritual connection to our Lord. These hopes and wishes will be built upon the actions of many—from government leaders and everyday Americans to our ministry leaders and people right in our pews.
One of these hopes that we have already begun to build up here at Saint Catherine of Siena is the deeper spiritual connection we seek with our Lord...PLEASE CLICK TO READ MORE!
I thank those who have given to our charitable project so far this year. I hope that those who have not yet helped out will be able to do so, and know that we will continue our counting and collecting until after the New Year. So far, we are well behind where we normally are at this time. Last year at this time we reached $26,954.55 and this year we stand at $11,991.00 as of December 20th. Your support is greatly needed and appreciated...PLEASE READ TO MORE...
To those who know me, I offer my sincere “thanks” for your support that was shown to me in abundance during this time of trial in my life, due to a work-related accident that has taken me “off the job” for more than a few months. To those who I have not met, I also thank you for your prayers and support including the wonderful and most generous and gracious acts of the Comitas Group who prepared and delivered meals to my home. Thank You! And to Mary and Ethel Melanson and all who worked so hard putting together the support at last weekend’s event in Russell Hall, you will forever have my gratitude and prayers. I am blessed to be part of this parish.
On Monday, December 16 at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Hartford, The Most Reverend Leonard Blair was given the Office of the Fifth Metropolitan Archbishop of Hartford (meaning that by virtue of his office he is “first among equals” or “overseer” of the four diocesan bishops in Connecticut—Hartford, Norwich, Bridgeport, and Stamford—and the bishop of Providence, Rhode Island) by appointment of Pope Francis and was installed by the Papal Nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigan?. More than 2000 people packed the Cathedral including hundreds of priests, deacons, religious, bishops, arch-bishops, five cardinals, members of the laity of all ag-es, and dignitaries including Governor Malloy. The procession into the Cathedral must have taken 30 minutes. CLICK TO READ MORE...
The Third Sunday of Advent—mirroring the Third Sunday of Lent, Laetare Sunday, brings us to a period in the more solemn season of Advent when we “get” a glimpse of the Joy that is about to be ours on Christmas morning with the birth and Incarnation of Christ our Savior.
The entrance antiphon for Gaudete Sunday is “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Indeed the Lord is near.” This informs us of the special Joy we are called to recognize on this Third Sunday in Advent PLEASE CLICK TO READ MORE...
Our Advent Giving Tree Project is underway with Christmas trees decorated with envelopes in the vestibule and atrium. This year we once again will be raising money to benefit The Knights of Malta and out parish's Neighbors in Need program PLEASE CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS....
A good number of men and woman responded to my plea for new ushers. This is an important ministry and more than just taking up the collection. It is about greeting Mass attendees and helping visitors maneuver about the facilities. And when it comes to the collection being taken up, the ushers help make sure that it runs smoothly so that the money collected is part of the offertory procession which, along with the gifts of bread and wine, ensuring that things run smoothly and reverently. PLEASE CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS...
Ring for the Salvation Army—Looking for a service project to get you in the spirit of Christmas? The Salvation Army is looking for 'ringers'. Slots are available at Fitzgeralds and at Stop and Shop and the Dunkin Donuts in Simsbury Commons. If you are interested, please con- tact Darha Nigro at 860-651-9435 or email her at Darha Nigro@comcast.net PLEASE CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS ON YOUTH GROUP EVENTS...
We come “to know” God not in the same we know how to solve an algebra problem of how to make a cake, rather we know God through an intimate relationship—by feeling His presence in our lives. His presence brings with it His power. His power will save us.
We also “know” the Lord by listening to His Word—and allowing His Word to dwell within us and make its home in our hearts, forming our hearts after His Will. CLICK TO READ MORE...
We are all wrapped-up in violet in the Church—and with flowers absent and the music more subtle—we now venture deeper into the Season of Advent—a time of preparation and waiting, a time of hope and anticipation as we await the grace of the Incarnation of the Christ Child and hope for the eventual Second Coming of the Savior of the World. CLICK TO READ MORE...
Please help us celebrate Three Kings Day at Sacred Heart Church in Hartford on January 1, 2014. This year there will be a white Christmas tree in the atrium complete with tags with children’s names and ages. There will also be tags on the tree with requests for donations for food, candies, etc. Please make sure that the gifts and donations are returned to the Church ON OR BEFORE DECEMBER 30TH. PLEASE CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS...
Advent is a sacred time, a time to prepare our welcome of God’s Son as we ready our Churches, our hearts, and our homes for the birth of the Christ child. With Advent the ecclesiastical year begins in the Western Churches. During this time the faithful are admonished: *to prepare themselves worthily to celebrate the anniversary of the Lord's coming into the world as the incarnate God of love.
*thus to make their souls fitting abodes for the Redeemer coming in Holy Communion through grace, and *thereby to make themselves ready for His final coming as judge, at death and at the end of the world. CLICK TO READ MORE...