This weekend is our last Sunday Mass in Ordinary Time and we conclude the Church’s liturgical year and on December 1st Advent begins—and with it the new liturgical year. But this Sunday we celebrate the solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.
As a solemnity it holds a place of privilege in our liturgical celebrations. The priest wears white vestments—normally used only on special days—and the focus of our worship and praise is, as always on God, but in a particular way we focus on the meaning of the word “king” as it relates to Jesus Christ and our hope for salvation. PLEASE CLICK TO READ MORE...
Ushers are an important part of the liturgical ministry. That may sound a bit odd, but usher do a lot more than simply take up the collections. They are also sup-posed to welcome folks into the Church and to assist people in locating a seat—even those who come in after the Mass has already begun. If we are to truly be a welcoming Church, then it isn’t enough simply to say “join us” but rather we have to welcome them into our family by more than words. CLICK TO READ MORE...
Last weekend I announced that we were having an “unannounced second collection” for the people suffering from the Typhoon in the Philippines and that we would also be collecting gentle used clothing and other needed items. Your response is amazing! CLICK TO READ ENTIRE MESSAGE...
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) issued a "Special Message" at the conclusion of their fall General Assembly, November 13, in Baltimore. USCCB regulations regarding statements and publications define a Special Message as a statement, only issued at general meetings, that the general membership considers appropriate in view of the circumstances at the time. The message was passed unanimously. CLICK FOR ENTIRE ARTICLE...
St. Gerard's Center for Life is a Catholic Pregnancy Resource Center located on 22 Maple Ave. 2nd floor, Hartford, dedicated to assisting women make life-affirming decisions (i.e., keep their baby or place their child for adoption). Since the inception of the program nine years ago, St. Gerard's has served over 4,400 mothers and families-in-need and through God's grace saved over 433 babies lives! PLEASE CLICK TO READ MORE...
Last Sunday our parish’s Defender of the Faith ministry joined with St. Ann’s Parish in Avon to host a public forum entitled The Catholic Church in the Public Square. The guest speakers were Mr. Michael Culhane, executive director of the Connecticut Catholic Conference (representing the three dioceses and one archdiocese in the State of Connecticut) and Jim Vicevich, host of WTIC’s Sound Off Connecticut 1080 AM talk radio show. The Forum was moderated by The Hartford Courant’s Chief Political Reporter Mr. Christopher Keating. The event was well done and very well attended, with Fr. Bennett Hall packed to capacity. PLEASE CLICK TO READ MORE...
Talk about being as clear as mud! As we navigate towards the end of the liturgical year in the Church and the readings mainly point to end times, the general judgment, and final salvation—clarity and comfort are not abundant at first. We en-counter images that are confusing. Take for example the idea of Jesus’ teaching on “loving our enemies” and connect that with the reading from Malachi this Sunday where God “burns up the evildoers”…a slight communications problem. CLICK TO READ MORE...
Sunday, November 24th 6:00 pm—Youth Group meets
this evening for THANKSGIVING PIE MAKING! Saturday, November 23—Junior High Youth Ministry
GRADE 4 MASS has been changed to Sunday, November
17th. First Reconciliation is Sunday, November 24th at 3pm and the ADVENT Giving Program for our Religious Education children and families will begin on Sunday, Nov. 24th PLEASE CLICK FOR DETAILS!!!
Bishop Rosazza will be focusing his talk with us heavily weighted on a social justice theme "Advent: Longing Actively for a New Heaven and a New Earth". He comes to us at a perfect time to prepare us for Thanksgiving and the Advent Season. Please join us with your clear minds and open hearts in Russell Hall on Nov. 21 to discover all that the Bishop has to teach us about Catholic social teachings. PLEASE CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS...
Today’s gospel message is focused on the topic of the resurrection. We are nearing the end of the liturgical year—with Advent, the New Year in the Church, just a few weeks away—so our readings become more apocalyptic in nature during these "end times." PLEASE CLICK TO LEARN MORE...
In order for the Mass to be celebrated smoothly—meaning that all the liturgical rituals are done well so that the Mass becomes a dialogue between God and His people, the priest needs the assistance of many ministers of the altar—altar servers, lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. PLEASE CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS....
On Tuesday, October 29th our Holy Father Pope Francis appointed Toledo, Ohio Bishop Leonard Paul Blair as the fifth Archbishop of Hartford to succeed retiring Archbishop Henry Mansell. Archbishop-designate Blair was ordained a priest in 1976, serving as Toledo’s bishop since 2003.
At his introductory press conference the archbish-op-designate said he was very happy to accept this appointment from Pope Francis and he looks forward to learning all about the needs of and services by the people of the Archdiocese of Hartford. PLEASE CLICK TO READ MORE...
To go, To travel, To progress. Saint Catherine Parish is re-introducing a new ministry. If you are widowed, divorced or single, male or female and feel that you may be spending too many hours alone or feel disconnected from others this may be a place for you. Join together and enjoy inter-esting activities and camaraderie. What ever your age or your interests we welcome you! PLEASE CLICK TO READ MORE...
Save The Date: Men’s Club Retreat
Calling all men of the parish—save the date for the Annual
Men’s Club retreat, February 7-9, 2014 to be held at Holy
Family Retreat Center in West Hartford. All are welcome and
invited. This two-day retreat will give you the opportunity to
meet other men of our parish, experience ways in which you can
increase your spiritual connection to God through everyday
events and prayer; hear topical discussions on how the Catholic
faith can strengthen your family life and your personal life; and
meet up with other like-minded men from around New England
and other states. Consider this a great opportunity to learn more
about yourself, your faith, and your fellow parishioners. More
information to follow.
In today’s first reading from the Book of Wisdom we hear that “Your imperishable spirit is in all things! Therefore you rebuke offenders little by little, warn them and remind them of the sins they are committing, that they may abandon their wickedness and believe in you, O Lord!”
Preceding that statement, we hear that the Lord over-looks sins and has mercy on all, that He, the Lord our Creator, loves all things and loathes nothing He has made. As we begin to near the end of the liturgical year and head into Advent with a new year (Church year we will be hearing more apocalyptic readings. For many, this is uncomfortable. However, we need to hear these readings in light of today’s reading so that we can have a clear understanding of God’s mercy, His love, and His desire for all of us to join Him in heaven. PLEASE CLICK TO READ MORE...