Jesus tells those following Him that His words are truth, and they are difficult—difficult indeed, for they speak to what is righteous versus what is “good,” and to what is truth, rather than what is “convenient” or “easy.” Someone told me this past week that their child had once asked them, “why is it that what is right is also always so difficult to do?” There is a lot packed into that question. Click to read more...
If you recently visited the Mary Garden here at Saint Catherine of Siena you might have noticed that it has fallen into some disrepair. The brick walls are crumbling at points and some of the steps up to the Mary statue are loose and/or broken causing a dangerous situation should someone step in the wrong place. In addition, tree damage resulting from last year’s October storm led to the loss of the Asian pear trees that were a backdrop to the garden. Mary herself (the statue that is) was covered in mold and the flowers and shrubs need a good pruning and attention. Two years ago we replaced the uneven walkway which itself was an accident waiting to happen. Click to read more...
“The significance of Jesus as the bread of life is further revealed. Today’s readings lay before us two different ways of responding the demands of God. One of them is doubt and disapproval; the other is acceptance in obedient faith. The claims that Jesus made about himself in his bread of life discourse are quite radical. People began to murmur against him. In response he defended himself by tracing his origins back to God. He concluded his teaching by making an even more radical claim.”
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The following prayer may be used in solidarity with the bishops' call to penance and prayer to restore religious freedom & conscience to read the Prayer for the Protection of Religious Liberty...
Yep! School is just around the corner!! Time to pick up all those supplies, from pencils and rulers to notebooks and folders plus all the other items in be-tween!! Stop by the St. Catherine's scrip desk to pur-chase your Best Buy, Barnes and Noble, Wal-Mart, Tar-get or Staple gift cards! Let your children use the gift cards to make their purchases. Help get those math skills cranking and learn the value of a dollar at the same time! Click to read more....
School supplies are needed to help children in Hartford. Please donate the following items for Family Life Ministry to distribute to the children: backpacks, calculators, notebooks, pens, pencils, rulers, 3-ring binders, loose leaf paper,
markers, crayons, erasers, and glue. All items can be placed in the boxes in the Atrium or the Vestibule. Help children be all that they can be!
If so, there are openings for Catechists in our Religious Education Program in Grades 4 and 5. We have an outstanding curriculum, classroom support and a wonderful community of catechists to join, along with our lovely parish children who depend on us, the Church, to help them learn about our faith and the wonders of our loving God. Please contact Kathi Bonner, our Director of ReligiousEducation to find out more: 658.4737 or
This is our faith, let's share it!