Thank you to our monthly Pantry Partners of Saint Catherine of Siena crew who worked "double duty" this month— on Saturday they distributed the monthly boxes of food for No-vember, then on Sunday they distributed Thanksgiving boxes complete with turkey and all the fixings for a traditional Thanksgiving meal. The Sunday boxes were provided by the Gabel Brigade and we appreciate their joining our efforts to make Simsbury residents truly grateful on Thanksgiving Day. I received a lovely card in the mail on Tuesday from a group of senior citizens in town that was heartwarming. They wanted to thank you, the people of Saint Catherine of Siena Parish, for the monthly food boxes they receive. They said, "We appreciate the food boxes we receive each month. It helps out a lot, for those of us who are retired and on fixed incomes. Also, a great big Thanks for the Thanksgiving Dinner. WOW!!" There was a big heart drawn in the note. Reading notes like this really makes you realize just how blessed one is. Thanks for all you do!
I want to thank all of our parishioners who volunteered in the 2012 Annual Leaf Rake sponsored by the Men’s Club. I have only heard great things from the leaf-rakers and have received numerous phone calls and letters for the
homeowners who benefitted from your generosity and compassion. The gratitude from those whom you helped is overwhelming. One story that came to my attention was of a home owned by a single mother who is having some difficulties in these tough economic times. Her lawn was raked by "mistake" ...Click to read more!
What a wonderful night we enjoyed for our Interfaith Thanksgiving Service last Sunday. Nearly 700 filled the church to hear Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu and the Christian denominations prayers giving thanks to God for all our blessings. And then…what a blessing we had in the combined choirs—amazing! The music, the instruments, and the magnificent voices! I was mightily impressed with the talent of so many local folks…and as Saint Benedict is quoted as say-ing, "When you sing, you pray twice!" Absolutely!
In today’s Gospel, regarding the end of time, we hear Jesus say, “Amen, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”"But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Christ’s words are both reassuring and provoking. There will be a Final Day (will, can I be prepared?) and that we do not know when or where or how it will happen. This might provoke fear and uncertainty. The unknown is always scary. But we also hear comfortable words when Christ tells us that His Words —God’s absolute truths of peace, hope and love—will not pass away. CLICK ON TO READ ON...
It is the Thirty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time and in today’s Gospel of Mark we hear the parable of the poor widow giving up her last few "pennies" to the temple treasury while those is fine robes, those granted with many blessing, give only from their surplus. CLICK TO READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE!
On Sunday, November 18, our parish will host the Simsbury Interfaith Thanksgiving Service at 7:30 p.m. in the Church proper. Clergy from the Catholic Church and other Christian faiths, from Simsbury’s (Jewish) Synagogue, and the local Bloomfield (Muslim) Mosque will join with a combined choir from all churches for an hour-long Thanks-giving Prayer Service and Music. Immediately following this event a light collation will be offered in Russell Hall. CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS!
Many thanks to Kathi Bonner, DRE and Judy Pluta, DYM, for their year-long planning and execution efforts for our best-ever Confirmation retreat and Youth Ministry concert held last weekend. Our guest retreat director was nationally known musician and evangelist, Jesse Manibusan Saturday’s day-long retreat was filled with projects and events designed to enliven the faith of our youth and to bring them closer as a community. Music, talk, and interaction—mixed with the Sacrament of Reconciliation-led to a wonderful event and one that elicited a number of “awesome” responses from the participants. CLICK TO READ MORE...