You reaffirm my faith and my priesthood.
Last weekend I announced that we were having an “unannounced second collection” for the people suffering from the Typhoon in the Philippines and that we would also be collecting gentle used clothing and other needed items. Your response is amazing!
By Sunday afternoon more than four car loads of clothing had been collected and taken to Danbury and the items continue to roll in. Our “surprise” second collection raised more than $6500—the largest second collection we have every taken up here at Saint Catherine of Siena. Amazing seems like an understatement. I am so thankful to the people of this parish for your generosity and your compassion—you are imaging Christ in our world.
When the news seems to highlight the lowest common denominator of humanity, when selfishness and self-absorption seems to be the mainstay of so-called comedies on television, when the excessiveness of Hollywood is endlessly offered as the way to be in this world—you have shown what it truly means to be a member of a faith community that is based on Hope, Compassion and Action. I thank you for being such fantastic leaders in Christ. Thanks and Peace to all.