I am very happy to announce that Manuela Hanshaw has been selected as our parish’s new director of Youth Ministry.
Manuela has worked as an assistant to Judy Pluta for two years and has developed a strong working relationship with those teens already involved in our Youth Ministry Program.
Manuela, her enthusiasm, creativity and concern for our younger parishioners as well as her lived Catholic faith, will enable her to successfully lead our youth and continue the wonderful work of our parish’s current youth ministry—as well as develop new ways and programs to reach out to new and more diversified members.
I want to also thank the Committee Members who assisted me in this endeavor—Catherine Jahne, Vaughan Marecki and Kath Bonner for their direction and interviewing skills. And I want to express my thanks also to the youth advisors who gave their input on the attributes a Youth Ministry Director should possess—Abby Hammel, Alex Peluso and Grace O’Bryan.
Welcome and congratulations Manuela!