With great joy the people of Saint Catherine of Siena Parish welcome newly ordained Transitional Deacon Joseph MacNeill of the Archdiocese of Hartford to our parish for a summer internship.
Archbishop Leonard Blair ordained Deacon Joe on 27 June 2020 at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Hartford. Deacon Joe will serve here at Saint Cath-erine of Siena from mid-July (July 18) until mid-September, when he returns to complete his Seminary studies in Rome and then, with God’s grace, be ordained to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ.
Here at Saint Catherine the Deacon will assist at the Mass, offer homilies, baptize, assist at funeral Masses and Rites of burial as well as other duties ful-filling the Office of the Diaconate. In addition, he will serve at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield as Prefect of Seminarians, assisting Bishop Juan Miguel Betancourt.
Welcome, Deacon Joe and we look forward to having you as part of the Saint Catherine of Siena faith community!