It has been four years since we last updated our Parish Directory. Since then our Parish has grown and lots of changes have taken place. It is time to put together a new one. We are currently working with a company which will provide the photographic and publishing services necessary to put out the new Parish Directory. During May and June there will be opportunities for families to have their photographic portraits taken in Russell Hall. Each family that participates will receive a free portrait session, an 8x10 picture and a complimentary copy of the updated Parish Directory. Opportunities will be available to purchase additional photographs in various sizes with a variety of frames, finishing options and related features.
The Parish Directory will include a section in which the family portrait of your choosing will appear. In addition, there will be a listing of all Parish Families together with their contact information. This will be a wonderful resource for our Parish. It will allow you to put names together with faces as you participate in Parish activities.
While we encourage all families to join in this effort, participation in the Parish Directory is entirely voluntary. Should you not wish your family’s portrait to appear in the Parish Directory or your family names and contact information to appear in the listing of all families, you may opt out by contacting the Parish Office and indicating your wishes. Additional information will be forthcoming.