Eucharistic Minister are needed to assist in the distribution of Sacred Communion at all Masses. Help out at the Mass you are attending. Please see sign-up sheets in the atrium after all the Masses. The more who serve, the lighter the work load on all. Ministry Pro system is an automated and simply scheduling system. Age requirement: 18 and up.
Lectors are needed so that the Word of God is brought to the hearts and minds of all. Training is offered and scheduling is done through our Ministry Pro system. Anyone who has been Confirmed may lector.
Altar Servers assist Fr. Michael with the smooth and reverent celebration of the Mass.
training and cassock and surplice are provided. Ministry Pro scheduler is used for easy computer access/scheduling. Children in grades 4- high school may participate.
Ushers:We are looking for people—men and women—who would like to join our Ushers Ministry. This ministry helps welcome people to Mass, especially visitors, assists Fr. Whyte with the taking up of the collection, and generally become a welcoming face of our parish.
I extend these invitations to all parishioners and also to those who have joined us from St Bernard Church--we are happy to encourage you to share your gifts and talents here at St Catherine of Siena.
If you would like more information and to sign up, please call the parish office at 658 1642.