Nearly a month ago we were celebrating Christmas! How time flies. Already, both in daily life as well as in the life of the Church, we are back to “regular life”. From the readings of the Mass of the Nativity to this weekend’s Ordinary Time readings—things have changed dramatically—Generally the third Saturday of the monthrom the birth of Christ and angels over head to the plotting of killing Jesus and the arrest of John of the Baptist, we
have traveled in what seems to be “warp speed!”
In this weekend’s gospel of Matthew, we see the difficulties of daily life—life where Gentiles and Jews are living and believing together—and a little confusion and discord arises. But Matthew’s Gospel shows us that while living daily life in the darkness of life, there is in ministry Hope! Jesus sets up His ministry along the Sea of Galilee and offers the hope of faith which leads to Eternal Life.
May we, through our community of believers here at Saint Catherine of Siena Parish, see the light of ministry work and the passing of our Church’s teachings and Truths as the path that will lead many to light in the darkness of the world. Amen.