In today’s second reading from Paul to the Corinthians the Saint makes two statements: (1) that Jesus died for all, and (2) Christ no longer is seen in the flesh. In the first statement, the life of Christ is summed up in all lives of His disciples and we are called to be Christ in today’s world; in the second statement we are now called to see the life of Christ lived 2000 years ago with “eyes of faith” and that Christ is now alive in His Church and by God’s Holy Spirit dwelling within the Church and in each of us.
So as we read this letter, perhaps thinking that St. Paul was only speaking to the Corinthians, let us recognize that St. Paul speaks to us today and let us all hear the question St. Paul is asking each of us: Who is Jesus Christ for me, and what difference does my answer to this question mean for how I treat others?
Think too how our answer applies to the celebration of our parents on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and to the responsibility our individual roles have in the human family.