While it seems like the whole nation is at a standstill we must remember that those who are homeless or without sufficient food supplies—life still remains the same for them—the lack of shelter and food is ever present. Now is not the time for us to step away from them.
In that vein, I am very happy to hear from our parishioners who run our
Parish’s Pantry Partners, Feed the Hungry and St. Elizabeth House food ministries are still up-and-running. When I spoke to them last week they already had in place systems to keep their supply chains of food fulfilling the needs of those they serve.
Pantry Partners Ministry will become a drive-thru delivery system for food boxes. Limited personnel practicing social distancing will place food boxes in automobile trunks as the recipients simply drive up to the foot door of the church;
Feed the Hungry Ministry utilizing limited hands will make their boxed meals and deliver them to the shelter for the residents in need, handed out by shelter personnel; and,
St. Elizabeth House Ministry will make the meals and food items as normally done, at home and dropped off at the church on the stated date, and one family will drive the prepared meals to the shelter for distribution by shelter personnel.
If you normally make a meal for the St.Elizabeth House—THOSE PREPARED MEALS
leader will deliver the meals to the shelter.
Please consider, if you are healthy and able, to do what you can to keep these ministries up-andrunning so that those who are most in need are able to receive these life sustaining food services. Thank you! For more information please contact the parish office at 658 1642.