This Sunday we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord calling us to consider Jesus Christ as the coming of the Groom for His bride, the Church, and the “Church” meaning all who make up the people of God and who believe in Him who was, is and shall ever be—this is all done this Sunday from the perspective of John the Baptist.
John the Baptist is shown to us as a rugged prophet—let us remember his clothes, his life in the desert, his menu of locust and wild honey—not exactly Downton Abbey-style! For many, John the Baptist is a symbol of renunciation only—a giving up everything for Jesus—and relinquishing all earthly power for the power of God. But that would be a mistake and place John in a limited light for many. Rather, we need to see and view John the Baptist as one who leads us all to the coming of the Lord, His Kingdom, and all its glory—for in the gospels John the Baptist is called a “friend of the groom” so that we all can become friends of the Groom, Jesus Christ, by his example.