I also want to take this opportunity to welcome the people of St. Bernard Church who visited and worshipped with us at Mass last weekend, June 2nd. I was told by my staff here that many new faces attended our weekend Masses, particularly the 11 a.m. Mass where our children’s Vacation Bible School ended their week-long program with a presentation at the recessional hymn.
On behalf of the entire Saint Catherine of Siena community, I wish to offer a warm welcome to our brothers and sisters from Saint Bernard Church. I know that the implementation of the Archdiocese’s Pastoral Plan, merging and even closing churches, is a difficult thing to accept. I honestly cannot imagine how I might feel if my home parish were merged or closed. It is upsetting to say the least. So please know that you are all in our prayers…and also know that we welcome you to this Catholic Church and we hope that you will find not just a warm welcome, but a place of worship to call home, and that you will come to believe that this is YOUR parish and not a pew in which to sit.
If we are lucky enough to have you choose to register here as a parishioner, there are two initial things that I hope for: first that you will truly feel welcome and know that we are all in this transition of pastoral planning together. While Saint Catherine of Siena was "unchanged" in this pastoral planning, we want you to feel that we are more than just an "option" for your families as a new place for Sunday Mass. We hope that you feel ownership here and that you will want to become involved and offer us your wisdom, your faith experiences and your hope for a wonderful Catholic future together. Second, I hope that you can join your talents, gifts and knowledge that made Saint Bernard Parish a wonderful home and help Saint Catherine grow to become even more than she is now: more Catholic and more alive. If you have expertise in a parish ministry or program—from the choir and religious education, youth ministry, prayer shawl, feeding the hungry, serving as a lector, Eucharistic Minister, altar server or other—that you will
consider sharing that expertise here. Please feel free to talk to me after Mass or call me or the parish office at 658 1652. Also, the front of our bulletin has everyone’s contact name and number. We hope to hear from you…and welcome!