Social Justice Ministry —This year Father Whyte has been
speaking a lot about the Gospel of St. Luke, which is said to be the Gospel of Social Justice. “He who has two coats let him share with him who has none, and he who has food let him do likewise”(Luke 3:11). When parishioners of St. Catherine of Siena prepare and deliver meals to the St. Elizabeth House in Hartford, they are true to what Jesus has called us to do. When Levi the tax collector was called to follow Jesus he “left everything behind” (Luke 5:28). In Luke’s version of the sermon on the plain a special blessing is given to the poor, the hungry, and those who mourn. In contrast he warns the rich, the well fed, and happy that their day is coming (Luke 6: 20-26). We would like to hear about your favorite passage in Luke, which speaks to the importance of participating in social justice as Christians.