As you will notice in the atrium and vestibule, there are two red boxes complete with note cards, which are offered for your use in providing me with your input on issues, obstacles or other reasons why people are not attending Mass and living out their faith in our parish community. We all have family members who no longer attend Mass, have various issues with Church teachings, or just don’t “get” what the Church is talking about. These boxes will remain in the church until September 1, but shall be emptied every week as we begin the research to rebuilding and expanding our faith community.
Then we will create a plan to bring in guest speakers, host conversations, offer new ministries and programs that will encourage both a greater understanding of our Catholic faith and will also help us to engage more folks by illustrating how applicable our faith is in everyday life.
The gospel of the Sower and the Seed reminds us that God’s Word, the Seed, falls everywhere and on all types of soil. Our role as His disciples—and as parents, spouses, children and friends—is to make sure that we cultivate all the different soils so that God’s Word can take hold in each human heart and produce such succulent fruit not just for our own salvation, but so that by our actions we may lead others to Christ’s saving love.
Your input and ideas will enable us to best plan for our faith formation public information and education outreach program, which is only possible due to the generosity of everyone who participated in our Forward with Faith campaign. And now is our time to implement your ideas made possible by your financial sacrifices.
Please look for these red boxes and give us your ideas and opinions. To paraphrase the TV commercial, the more you know…the more we can speak to and the more we can live life to its fullest in Christ today and tomorrow! Thank You