K-10 begin on Sunday, September 16th at Henry James Memorial School,9:30-10:30 am.
Confirmation I & II Classes at HJMS begin at 9:15 am and end at 10:30 am. The evening classes meet at the church, Confirmation I (Grade 9) from 6 pm-7:15 pm and Confirmation II (Grade 10) from 7:15 pm-8:30 pm. Class lists will be posted on our website the first week of September.
If you have not yet re-registered your child(ren) for classes, K-10, please complete the form that is attached to our weekly bulletin. New Students must be done in person using the blue New Student Form found in the atrium and vestibule of the church. Please contact Kathi Bonner, 860.658.4737, Kathidre@aol.com, for an appointment or more information.
Teens are needed for the first two Sundays of Religious Education Classes, September 16th
and September 23rd to help new families and children navigate Henry James School.
Confirmation hours will be offered. Please contact Kathi Bonner, Kathidre@aol.com to sign up!
The Confirmation I Enrollment Mass (Grade 9 only) will take place at the 5 pm Vigil on
September 8th. All Confirmation Candidates should sit with their families in church attire. There
will be a mandatory Parent Meeting in the back of the church immediately following the Enrollment Mass. Teens do not have to attend the parent meeting.
Confirmation II: The parent letter has been mailed with the Confirmation Calendar! Please note
that the Confirmation II (Grade 10) classes remain with the same teacher and the same slot: morning classes stay together and meet from 9:15 am -10:30 am at Henry James Memorial School. The evening classes move to 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm at the church and the teachers and groups stay the same.
The Catechist Commissioning Mass will take place at the 11 am Mass on Sunday, September 9th. Our parish supports and prays for these faithful parishioners who teach and model our
Catholic Faith for our parish children and teens. We are a blessed parish to have so many willing to walk this journey of faith together in our Religious Education program.
Class Lists, K-10 are on our website. The lists do not reflect changes or additions that have
occurred after August 31st. Please view this list for Catechist contact information and class size,
rather than requesting changes.