When presenting ourselves for Holy Communion, following social distancing, we receive Holy Communion in the hand—handedness (capable) or dominant hand underneath the incapable or secondary hand, thus using the dominant hand to bring the Sacred Body of Christ to our mouths—we then step to the side and remove our mask and then consume the Holy Eucharist immediately, not taking it back to our pew to consume. This is meant to provide the utmost reverence for the Sacred Body of Christ.
One should never feel rushed to consume the Body of Christ as if to “get out of the way for the next person in line.” We all need to take our time to reverently receive the Body of Christ and consume Him in the presence of the minister distributing Communion, albeit it off to the side.
I thank you for receiving this reminder as it is intended, to praise our Lord with respect and to avail to everyone the time needed to accept the Lord Jesus in dignity.
If you are unable to walk up to the Eucharistic Minister or priest for Holy Communion, please let the usher know before Mass begins and we will come to you in the pew with Holy Communion. Simply let us know and we are happy to help. Peace