As you may have heard, a major campaign being led by the Hartford Bishops’ Foundation is currently underway at St. Catherine of Siena Parish and throughout the Archdiocese of Hartford. This week, we will be sharing the core area of the Forward with Faith Campaign for the Archdiocese and our parish.
Educating to Reignite the Faith Catholic education is crucial to the future of our Archdiocese. Currently, there are more than 50,000 students served in our Catholic schools and parish faith formation programs. Funds from the campaign will:
Improve retention rates in our Catholic schools by providing tuition remission and monetary awards for teachers and administrators;
Enhance the teaching and learning environment in our Catholic schools by funding capital improvements, technology upgrades, STREAM integration, and “Mission Schools;”
Support our parish faith formation ministries and programs by providing grants for innovative programs, as well as expert speakers, mentors, coaches and materials for this important formative work for clergy, reli-gious and lay leaders; and,
Provide education and professional development training for our clergy, ranging from spiritual formation to professional and administrative leadership training (e.g. finance, advancement, school enrollment, technol-ogy, and human resources).
In the coming weeks, I will share further details about how the campaign funds will directly impact both our Archdiocese and (our community here at St. Catherine of Siena Parish). Everyone will soon be invited to participate in this graced effort. In the meantime, anyone is welcome to approach me before or after Mass with any questions you may have. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Grace, peace, and blessings to you!
Father Michael