Thanks to the generosity of our parishioners in the monthly Repair and Refurbishment collection, Saint Catherine of Siena Parish is able to maintain and improve our parish facilities. While no one likes to do all these projects, it is certainly better to “keep up with things” then to play “catchup.” Current projects underway are:
1. New Exterior Doors in the Atrium: the current “exterior” doors in the atrium (and Russell Hall which will be dealt with later) are actually interior doors and over time they have been damaged by the weather. Since I’ve been pastor we have had these four doors striped and varnished (with marine varnish) two times. At this point it is now time to replace them. We ordered new, exterior fiberglass doors that are designed for the outside weather and have a lifetime guarantee. The doors have a wood grain look texture and will have a cherry stain appearance. Using the ex-isting hardware in order to save money, the four new exterior doors and their installation, will cost approxi-mately $18,000.00. They will not fade, rot, or be damaged by the weather and will last longer than me. Our current doors have only been in place since 2006.
2. Vestibule Doors: the current vestibule doors were also in poor condition but are repairable. We hired an individual to strip the doors, sand and plane them and then reseal them. They came out great and have added life and functionality. Cost of $700.00.
3. Interior Lights in the Church: With high ceilings in the church proper, replacement is an issue. Scaffold-ing is necessary for most while Mike Grappone and Dennis Hannon are able to replace lower hanging lights. With scaffolding erected, Valley Electric has replaced the high-up bulbs for all of the side spot lighting and is working on adding two new additional spot lights in order to highlight the Beatitudes sten-ciled on the walls to either side of the sanctuary. With scaffolding in place and workers to complete this pro-ject—each light whether it was working or not was replaced all at once as the main cost involved is the scaffolding. Once you have it in place, it is cost effec-tive to replace every bulb at one time. Cost $800.00.
4. Exterior Parking Lot Lights: The combination of this past summer’s bad weather (lighting storms) and open fields is never a good combination. Recently our parish property was hit more than once by lighting…An Act of God?...and some damage was done to the controls of the parking lot lighting system. We are working with the electrician and the manufacturer—as well as with Catholic Mutual—to help with the cost of these repairs. Estimated costs: $2,500.00.
5. Rectory: Recently the hot water heater ruptured as did the main sewer line and both had to be replaced. The water heater was 8 years old and the main sewer pipe was original to the rectory (40-plus years). Cost $2,900.00 ($1400.00, $1500.00 respectively).