You might have noticed that listed in the bulletin, in the Mass Intention announcements, the term Pro Populo as the intention for a particular Mass. The term Pro Populo in Latin means “For the People” and Canon Law, the code of law which governs the Catholic Church, calls for the pastor of a parish to celebrate one Mass each week for the intention of the parishioners. This is an ancient tradition of the Church and of the priesthood, which is required to pray for the people in their charge. The Pro Populo Mass may be celebrated on the weekend or the weekday. The intention for a Pro Populo Mass can be for the “health of parish-ioners” or “for their happy marriages or for struggling marriages,” it may be for “those parishioners who have died or for a deceased family member,” for “their children in need” or for any particular intention.
Along with the Pro Populo Mass, a priest may also offer his daily breviary (from Latin brevis, 'short' or 'concise') is a liturgical book of the Latin liturgical rites of the Catholic Church containing the public or canonical prayers, hymns, the Psalms, readings, and notations for everyday use, especially by bishops, priests, and deacons in the Divine Office (i.e., at the canonical hours or Liturgy of the Hours, the Christians' daily pray-er). These daily prayers of the Church which priests and religious (sisters and brothers) are required to pray each day, may also be offered for a host of reasons. I offer my morning prayers and Divine Office for the health of my parishioners and I offer Night Prayer for the repose of the souls of deceased parishioners and family members. The Church maintains that we are called to “pray unceasingly” and as a Church we do that by the public and private worship of the priests, religious, deacons and the laity who lift up their voices in prayer for the common good.
What Makes a Mass intention and who can offer them? The holy sacrifice of the Mass may be offered for any no-ble reason—for the remembrance of a departed loved one, for one’s good health, for someone undergoing a medical procedure, for an individual who is suffering a trail or tribulation in life, or as a birthday remembrance. Intentions may be announced to the pub-lic or be unannounced, simply listed as a ‘special intention.” What-ever the reason, the Mass is offered for the praise and glory of God and in worshiping the Lord, we ask Him to be with us in our need and to answer the prayer according to His Will. Mass inten-tions are schedule through the parish office, 658 1642.