Pentecost is the birthday of the Church, when after the Ascension of Christ into Heaven, God the Father and God the Son sent—the Procession of—Holy Spirit—their Love for each other—into the world to guide, defend and keep from error His Church on earth.
The Third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, is also known as God the Revealer, in line with God (Father) the Creator and God (Son) the Redeemer. As chief revealer, the Holy Spirit gives us among many gifts, the gift of Heavenly Wisdom to understand the Living Word of God (Christ) and know the teachings of the Church and how to make them present in and through our lives in the world. That’s called discipleship. Following and knowing Christ—making Him present by way of the actions of our daily lives.
This gift of the Holy Spirit (HS)) is meant to assist us in our individual spiritual and religious journey. The HS reveals to us the Will of God for each of us, what He desires us to do with the gifts and talents He gave us—how to spend ourselves for the benefit of the common good. There has been a great deal of pushback from a college commencement address by Kansas City Chief’s Harrison Butker, at a Catholic College, that highlighted his faith and gratitude for his wife, a stay-at-home-mom, which allows him to be a football player and provide for his family. He is devout in his Catholic faith. He uses the gifts God gave him and speaks openly about his beliefs and God. Many were upset at his words. But he was speaking to the living out of his and his wife’s faith as mother and father, and in this instance where the father is the bread winner and the mom is at-home. The roles can be and many times are reversed—all good as whatever works for the family. We speak to this every time we pray the Vocation Prayer…God’s particular plan for each of us…not sure why it is such brouhaha. It doesn’t appear Butker was being exclusive but rather grateful for his life, his wife, his family and faith.
In this world of “inclusiveness”, let us be so: welcoming the Holy Spirit and all his gifts intended to make our individual lives in sync with God’s Will, thus intending to seek our excellence.