As we are now in the midst acquiring bids for the three-year repair and expansion of our parking facility, I want to take this opportunity to thank those of our parish who have already contributed to this capital campaign. The current parking lot planned expansion will add an additional 150 parking spaces, refurbish the existing parking lot, expand and improve the entrances and exits, update and improve our lighting, add a new walkway into Russell Hall from the new lot, and open up the front of the rectory property to a circular driveway—which will also add additional parking. The total cost is estimated at some $300,000 (formal bids will be forthcoming) and a design layout will soon be in the atrium for your information.
I have asked permission of the archbishop to raise the required funding for this project through a three-year Annual Col-lection. The collection will sunset at the end of the project. In this first year of our capital campaign, 24.3% of our registered parish families (approximately 1,300 families are registered) have contributed to this request, raising nearly $113,000.00 to date. Our goal for the first year was to raise $75,000.00. While we are ahead of our first year goal, and I appreciate very much the generosity of those who have donated, it is my hope that all our families will give to this much needed facility upgrade. While some may not be able to donate the requested $300 per family per year, having all our families participate who practice their faith here at Saint Catherine of Siena would be a wonderful testimony to the importance of our faith community.
I want each and every parishioner to know that all will be done to complete this project on time and on budget. I realize the expense involved and the hardship this may cause individuals. I feel a specific obligation to spend your money wisely and in the most effective way. To that end, be assured of the involvement of the parish Finance Council in all fiscal decisions, of the leader-ship of the Building & Grounds Committee and of our working with the local authorities to ensure we meet all fiscal and environmental requirements.
I want to express my sincere thanks to all who have donated so far, and ask others to prayerfully consider helping out their parish community to whatever level they may comfortably do so.
My sincerest thanks to all!