Navigating during these unusual times as a parish many of our ministries and other Programs continue as needs continue—even hunger and other human needs seem to “work from home.” Along with the daily and weekend Masses being live-streamed and taped at ( on our website, the parish also is providing opportunities for Faith Formation outreach and Youth Ministry work— including proving food locally here and in downtown Hartford at shelters. Here’s what’s going on in your name:
Feed the Hungry Ministry has transformed from preparing and serving meals at the local shelter to offering what’s called a “grab and go meal” with sandwiches and other items prepared in town and delivered for dropoff at the shelter where those in need can grab a meal at the shelter;
St. Catherine’s Food Pantry is well-stocked and utilized by local residents in need. Built last year by parishioner and Eagle Scout, Christopher Harvill and well stocked by another parishioner and Eagle Scout Tim Cody, we are blessed to have this source of food staples available for those who are finding this crisis has impacted their food supply. Thanks to the generosity of our parishioners this Food Pantry and many of the other above named programs are funded, in part, by the Neighbors in Need fund as well as private donations and parishioner support (in the cooking of meals); and,
Faith Formation continues to offer spiritual programs and is preparing for the hoped-for return of the Sacraments including making plans now for our First Holy Communion as well as Confirmation (details to follow) and taking into consideration to our public worship what will look like: see page 4.
Youth Ministry -see page 4.
I would like to take this opportunity and space to thank those who continue to make our outreach happen, especially in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, as our ministries becomes even more vital and necessary in providing the work of the church— whether that work is due to physical hunger from struggles or loss of a job, or spiritual hunger due to fear or just plain old anxiety: The Sickinger family and all involved in the Feed the Hungry ministry, the Lelia Bruno family and everyone with our St. Elizabeth House ministry, Karen Willis and her team of our Pantry Partner’s Ministry, Eagle Scouts Tim Cody and Christopher Harvill, Kathi Bonner, Manuela Hanshaw and Diane Whitmore—thank you for all your efforts and ingenuity.