The Parish Council came to a close on 15 June for the summer and accomplished much over the past year while setting the tone for the coming year as we plan to improve and expand our mission of promoting our faith in the Word of God and in our actions as His disciples.
Our thanks go to Tom Tanski, Parish Council President, who has ended his term as president but will remain on the Council. I want to thank Tom for his dedication and hard work and for his great enthusiasm on many projects. Under Tom’s leadership we have created a committee to implement the ideas of Rebuilt, a book on expanding and maintaining the life and identity of a Catholic parish community (the Committee will work over the summer on the agenda for the 2016 Parish Council); a great Volunteer Gala was held, a review of parish ministries and committees was begun, and the current parish photo directory was initiated, to name a few items. Tom’s leadership and passion was evident in everything.
We welcome our new Parish Council President, Jim Peters, who will transition from his current role as Vice President into the Presidency. We expect more great things of the PC under Jim’s leadership, with his hallmark qualities of organization and consensus building.
Some other changes in the membership of the Council are also noted: John Dillon has ended his term on the PC but not his enthusiasm and drive for success in our parish. John will remain on the Rebuilt Committee as well as be a driving force in many parish happenings. He is also a religious education teacher and a Eucharistic Minister of Holy Communion. John has been—and is—the energy behind much of our work. I thank him for his dedication and passion. We also welcome three (3) new members to the Parish Council—John McManus, Anne Connolly, and Judy McDonald—and we look forward to their ideas as well as their action to continue to make St. Catherine of Siena a Catholic leader in our community.
The Parish Council, (PC) is a consultative body that advises the pastor on issues of concern to the parish and helps the pastor implement changes and growth in parish programs and life. In a sense, the PC is the “eyes and ears” of the parish. Feel free to contact Fr. Michael or any member of the PC with any concern or comment you might have (the PC posters in the atrium and vestibule will be updated with the new contact information shortly). The Parish Council is strongly recommended by the Archdiocese of Hartford for each parish to have one, and the Finance Council is commanded by Canon Law. We are blessed to have so many dedicated parishioners who are willing to share their expertise and love for our parish on these two vital Councils. Thanks to all involved.