I have chosen you from the world to bear fruit! I added the exclamation point. Today’s parable closes out last week’s parable of the two sons—one who was open to God’s call—by way of a slow conversion. The other son said, “Sure, dad, I will do Your Will” but then goes back to his own indifference—nothingness.
This Sunday, the 27th in Ordinary Time is about the “wicked” tenants of the world who go beyond indifference but rather choose to actually do evil. To obtain their own riches by harming the world around them. Let us steal what is not ours in order to feather our own beds, so to speak—ill-gotten gains. These evil tenants are diametrically opposed to the common good of all, the greater good--the excellence of all, and rather seek to obtain personal gain at the loss of others. They actually are trading their eternal joy for temporary or temporal goods today.
The gospel’s clear message is being open to God’s Will and thus produce much fruit—fruit that will last forever—by our actions in the world around us. When we see the hungry and feed them. When we see people who are being treated unjustly and we speak up and out on their behalf. When we see the sick and forgotten and care for them. When we see untruth being passed on to the young and then we stand firm with Christ and His Truths. Then we are producing His Fruit…and the world can only be a better or most excellent place for it.
As I read and prayed on this gospel this week, I could not help but be reminded of one of the key messages of President George Washington’s Farewell Address in 1796. He noted that, and I paraphrase, we had all better understand the gift of our national unity—that its purpose is more important than regional squabbles, foreign alliances, and even personal gain through fractional dismemberment. His fear was that we would lose sight of the nation the more we became broken by forming squabbling groups, each defending our own interests rather than the good of Nation.
We can use our historical reference as an analogy for our faith calling us to seek the greater good, the Excellence of all through our lived life experiences: live your faith out each day and build up the Kingdom of God here on earth so that you shall be with Him Eternally in Heaven.
Listen closely to the Gospel acclamation this Sunday: “I have chosen you from the world, says the Lord, to go and bear much fruit that will remain. Alleluia, Alleluia.” (cf. Jn 15:16) The question we are called to ask ourselves in spiritual reflection this weekend is “Shall I be open to the Will of God in my life? Will I learn what God commands of me, and then will I respond by living out the Truth of Christ in-and-through the daily activities of my days?”
If we all choose to accept that Call of His Will and live it out…then, we shall fulfill the Gospel acclamation: “I have chosen you from the world, says the Lord, to go and bear fruit that will remain. Alleluia, Alleluia. Amen!