I want to start out with a very sincere and heartfelt thank-you to all the parishioners for the prayers and good wishes to both me and Margaret Domashinski, my donor, for our collective speedy and complete recoveries. The cards, with beautiful notes, which I have received here at the rectory, are amazing and overwhelming. I cannot begin to offer and appropriate thank-you but will attempt to do so, particularly by prayers for you and your families. Thank you! The hardest part of this transplant recovery period, including all the medications, is being ?locked in? for 5 weeks or so, not being able to go out in crowds for fear of infections. However, I can go for a car ride and will do that today!
I also want to make a special mention to our Comitas ministry under the direction of Rosanne O?Hara and Joan Duffy. I am continued to be amazed at your generosity and Christian actions. Comitas has been making and delivering
dinners to the Domashinski family as Margaret is laid-up (for those who don?t know it, the donor has the more difficult recovery period. Margaret was healthy and took quite a shock to the body with the removal of a healthy kidney. I, on the other hand, received a healthy kidney and my body is responding nicely). My prayers and great thanks for Comitas? support of the Domashinski family during this time are much appreciated. THANK YOU!