Mrs. Grottole & Mrs. Loftus' GRADE7 Service Project was a great success because of the generous nature of our Faith Formation Students. In response to the Gospels that they
study in class, the group decided to act and collected food and money to donate to those inneed in Haiti. Julie Forest, of "Haiti180" writes:
Thank you so much for your donations! What a generous thing for your 7th graders to do!! Please let them know with their donations theteam was able to purchase a couple of bags ofrice and a couple of jars of peanut butter for the mission. The rice is able to be stretched a longway for meals throughout the day and the peanutbutter (although very expensive in Haiti)provides them with the necessary protein to helpsustain the Haitians muscle and bone growth.
Many of the Haitians do not have access to meat so the peanut butter is a great alternative for
them. What a beautiful example you are for them to have these 7th graders think of others
aside from themselves. We hear so much aboutthe children of this day being so self -absorbed
and it is because of people like you that they arelearning to connect to those around them and
around the world. God bless you and thebeautiful children of St. Catherine of Siena Church!