I want to express my sincere thanks to many, many folks who took time and gave of their talents to make our parish look so festive this Christmastime. I start with thanks to Barbara Hopkins and Terry Longo for the hanging of the outdoor wreaths on the Church and the rectory. Barbara also orders all our poinsettia plants. They make our parish such a welcoming draw for those driving by.
Inside the Church Kathy Moore worked her magic to bring about the beautiful altar decorations with her talent in design and sewing; along with Kathy’s design ideas, I thank Dennis Hannon and Gregory Hannon for his making of that magnificent wreath that hangs above the crucified Christ in the sanctuary. Not only did Dennis work a miracle in the building of the wreath but in designing the structure to hang it, but he also saved the parish a large sum of money based on the quote we had received from an out-of-state Company.
Mike Grappone and Ted and Drew Stimpson and Ben Pluta strung the entire garland and hung the Twelve Days of Christmas Wreaths on the back wall. Phil Poirier, Susan Zybert’s dad, artistically painted the beautiful backdrop to the new crèche stand, which was built by Joe Reynolds of Reynolds Builders. And last but not least, Janet Fischer ordered and used her immense talents to design the flower arrangements about the altar and tabernacle and crèche.
To all I say thank you, thank you, thank you!